Wedding Flowers


Wedding Flowers

for your perfect day

At Salty Rose Floral, we understand how important your wedding day is, and treat every detail with the attention you deserve. You've been dreaming about the perfect wedding for as long as you could remember. We understand those dreams, and go above and beyond to turn your dreams into a reality. Using only the freshest blooms and the highest quality materials, we will cover all of the decorating needs for your wedding. From boutonnières to bouquets, corsages to candles, we work hard to cover the details, so that your day is beautiful, stress-free, and enjoyable from start to finish. We offer free consultations, where we will meet in person or have a phone meeting where we will discuss your floral vision. We will review your color palette and overall look, feel and theme you are envisioning for your special day. From there, I will work to create the perfect floral designs to match your theme, personality and event aesthetic. We bring experience, creativity, and passionate enthusiasm to every event. Whether you’re planning an outdoor wedding in your backyard, a black tie affair at an elegant beach resort, or a rustic barn wedding, our floral designs will transform your venue into a magical destination.


As no two weddings are ever the same – please contact us for pricing details. To maintain our high level of individualized service we take on a limited number of weddings each season. We are more than happy to accommodate weddings and events in the greater South Jersey and Philadelphia area.



Fill out the form below, or you can contact us directly at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you and learning about your special event!


    *Must fill out all questions